Improving uptake & translocation of micro nutrients.
Including early maturity.
Helping plants in higher yeild and better quality of crops produce.
Hyumcell stimulates plant enzymes and proliferation of desirable micro organisms, yeast and algae's
Applocation of Hyumcell accelerates formation of roots and permeability of plant membranes thereby promoting the intake of nutrients, increasing vitamin contents in plants.
Hyumcell plays an active role as an organic catalyst, stimulates root growth and helps cell division there by increasing the ratio of development of plant and root systems.
Hyumcell improves soil texture, buffering properties and water holding capacity.
Hyumcell possess extermely high ion exchange capacity hence promotes conversion of variety of elements in suitable forms for the plant. Helps chelating of naturally available ions.
FOLLAR SPRAY: 2 TO 3 ML per litre of water. DRIP & SPRINKLE IRRIGATION: 1 Ltr. in 200 Ltrs. of water per acre.